Norske Serier til Amerika

Nå har vi oversatt tre av seriene våre til amerikansk-engelsk! Det sies at det bor flere norsk-amerikanere i USA enn det bor nordmenn i Norge, og det tenkte forlagssjef Tomas Algard at vi burde ta til ettertanke. Amerikanere er som kjent interessert i hvor de har røttene sine, så hvorfor ikke dele den fine serielitteraturen vår med dem? Mange av seriene våre omhandler tross alt det forfedrene deres opplevde og reiste ifra. Nå har vi altså gjort det, og oversatt og lagt ut de tre første bøkene i tre serier på iTunes og Google Play. Seriene som ligger ute er:

Sønnavind – Southerly Winds

Arvesynd – Original Sin

Storgårdsfolk – The Guldberg Saga

For å laste ned og lese bøkene trenger du en iOS-enhet med iBooks installert, eller en Android tablet. Har du en iOS (altså iPad eller annet Apple-produkt) kjøper du boken på iTunes Store. Med et nettbrett finner du den på Google Play. Den letteste måten å finne dem på er å bruke søkefeltet og søke etter forfatteren. Da kommer alle opp.

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Norwegian Book Series released to the US market!

Serialized fiction is something quintessentially Norwegian. Intriguing family sagas, written with a national romantic backdrop and Norwegian culture in focus. As there is so many proud Norwegian-Americans out there, our senior editor thought “Hey, why don’t we share it with them!” After all, many of our stories takes place around that very time when your ancestors lived in Norway. In addition, they portray the life in this rugged country with historical accuracy.

So here they are! Three of our most loved series, available as e-Books on iTunes and Google Play!


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Southerly Winds by Frid Ingulstad
Gold Brooch

Norway 1905 – Europe’s poorest country

Southerly Wind is the story about Elise’s life, her struggle to avoid poverty, and the love she experiences in spite of pressing despair. Spreading over decades, readers closely follow Elise and her family.
Elise works long hours in a spinning mill to provide for her family. With her mother suffering from consumption, and her father a drunk, Elise and her sister Hilda must look after their younger siblings. In the flat below them lives Johan. He is the strongest and most handsome man in Oslo’s borough of Sagene, where the river runs rapidly through the city. Elise and Johan are childhood friends – and sweethearts. One harsh and cold day in January, Elise finds a small object in the snow. This unravels a chain of events that will change both their lives forever.


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The Guldberg Saga by Eva J. Stensrud
The Mark

The Norwegian flatlands, year 1810

In the Guldberg Saga, we follow Johanna, who is soon to inherit the sheriff’s farm Great Guldberg.
Young Johanna, is as strong and hardy as the dark soil in Hedmark county. The sheriff’s farm Great Gulberg, has been in her family for generations, and soon it is hers to inherit. Johanna  decided long ago that her childhood friend Gunner, the finest eligible farmer in the village, is just the man her farm needs. When Johanna sets her mind to something – she goes all in! Blossoming into adulthood, she is torn between her bodily lusts and the social norms of her people. If she is to hold her head high on her wedding day, she needs to marry now. Her father however is hesitant to give his blessing. Is Gunner really the right man for his proud and willful daughter?
Then one day, the handsome and worldly Christian arrives in the village – complicating Johanna’s life further.


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Original Sin by Anne Lise Boge
Fatal Meeting

Norway 1910

In The saga “Original Sin”, we follow Mali, who at nineteen marries into wealth to save her family from poverty. «We don’t sell our kids around here.” Mali’s father answers when the farmer from Stornes offers Mali marriage to his son Johan. At only 19 years of age, Mali is forced to make a fateful decision. Sickly love, harsh demands, hate and distrust becomes her everyday life. Yet, the dream of true love is strong within her. One crucial day, passion and lust lead her down a path of sin that will cast a dark shadow over the rest of her life…